The Color Code: Dies Meet Colorful Patterns

The first step to quick & easy Mosaic Moments® pages is to  find the perfect patterns for your photos.  Die sets are color coded to the Mosaic Moments® Patterns so you can determine, with just a glance, which die sets are needed to create your page. (See die set colors below.)

Our FREE page pattern gallery will help you find a great page layout that will highlight your best photos. (See pattern and page examples.)

The Quick -No Measure Cutting System

Quickly and easily create “grid perfect” pages with NEW Mosaic Moments® Die Sets! Each set comes with dies that are sized to fit the grid (shown in solid colors) and one or more dies sized for layering (shown in dots.)

Use our Pattern Gallery to find the perfect patterns for your photos.

Set A Sizes that fit Mosaic Moments® Grid (shown in blue):

  • 5.5 x 5.5 inches (5 x 5 squares)
  • 4.375 x 4.375 inches (4 x 4 squares)
  • 3.25 x 3.25 inches (3 x 3 squares)
  • 2.125 x 2.125 inches (2 x 2 squares )
  • 1 x 1 inch (1 square)

Set A layering sizes (shown in dots):

  • 5×5 inches
  • 3.875 x 3.875 inches
  • 2.75 x 2.75 inches
  • 1.625 x 1.625 inches

Set B sizes that fit the grid (shown in purple):

  • 6.625 x 4.375 inches (6 x 4 squares )
  • 5.5 x 3.25 inches (5 x 3 squares)
  • 4.375 x 2.125 inches (4 x 2 squares)
  • 3.25 x 1 inches (3 x 1 squares)

Set B layering sizes (shown in dots):

  • 6.125 x 3.875 inches
  • 5 x 2.75 inches
  • 3.875 x 1.625 inches

Set C sizes that fit the grid (shown in Pink):

  • 6.625 x 5.5 inches (6 x 5 squares)
  • 5.5 x 4.375 inches (5 x 4 squares)
  • 4.375 x 3.25 inches (4 x 3 squares)
  • 3.25 x 2.125 inches (3 x 2 squares)
  • 2.125 x 1 inches (2 x 1 squares)

Set C layering sizes (shown in dots):

  • 6.125 x 5 inches
  • 5 x 3.875 inches
  • 3.875 x 2.75 inches
  • 2.75 x 1.625 inches

Set D sizes that fit the grid (shown in orange):

  • 6.625 x 3.25 inches (6 x 3 squares )
  • 5.5 x 2.125 inches (5 x 2 squares)
  • 4.375 x 1 inches (4 x 1 squares)

Set D layering sizes (shown in dots):

  • 6.125 x 2.75 inches
  • 5 x 1.625 inches

Set E sizes that fit the grid (shown in yellow):

  • 6.625 x 2.125 inches (6 x 2 squares)
  • 5.5 x 1 inches (5 x 1 squares )
  • 6.625 x 1 inches (6 x 1 squares)

Set E layering sizes (shown in dots):

  • 6.125 x 1.625 inches

Die MM – Cuts your 4×6 photos into one inch squares to get that “Mosaic Moments” look in a flash!

Additional Information

When you purchase NESTED Mosaic Moments® Dies the set is held together with thin wire tabs. Separate individual dies by removing the little metal tabs with metal snippers. For more information watch our video. (See Die Snips here.)


How will your machine work with Mosaic Moments® Dies? See Die Machine Compatibility Information Here.

The Quick & Easy Way to Fabulous Page Designs

Mosaic Moments® Dies are available for purchase individually or as a set.

Buy Mosaic Moments Dies Now