Article written by Candy Spiegel
Did you know art can help you cope with stress, anxiety and depression? Multiple scientific studies have shown the link. They believe creativity causes our brains to release dopamine, a chemical that makes us happy.
Of course, our art of choice is scrapbooking and the Mosaic Moments® Design Team has put together some specific coping ideas to help bring out the happy in you!
1. Acknowledge Anxiety
Vox recently published some tips from Joel Minden, a psychologist and author of “Show Your Anxiety Who’s Boss.” “When we normalize anxiety, there’s some comfort that comes with knowing that others feel that way, too,” he said. “It’s okay to have those authentic but difficult feelings.”
Minden recommends writing down these worries as a way to help process them. Why not take it a step further and ask each member of your family to write out the things they are anxious about right now. Scrapbook their answers, along with a photo of each person.
2. Be Grateful

"Grateful" by Andrea Fisher
U.S. News & World Report recommends thinking of something you are grateful for “before your feet hit the floor in the morning.” Thinking good thoughts gets your day off to a positive start. The article goes on to quote from a study that found writing a gratitude letter can change the brain activity in a positive way, as well as improving a person’s emotional well-being.
Andrea created this beautiful two-page layout showing many of the things she is grateful for. It would be beautiful framed and hung on the wall to keep the wonderful things in her life front and center.
3. Stay Healthy

"Dog Walk" by Paije
Our bodies function better when they are healthy.
Taking the dog, or the kids, for a walk is a simple way to stay active. You might also try new foods or a search out a healthy recipe for dinner.
Take pictures of your family taking a walk with the dog, like Paije did here, preparing a special meal together, or setting up an obstacle course in the backyard and scrapbook the pictures.
4. Get Social

"Call Me Your Friend" by Tami Potter
Humans need human contact.
Take the time to scrapbook some of the wonderful experiences you have shared with your friends, or your kids and their friends, like Tami did on this layout. This is a perfect layout to use up all of those selfies you may have.
You might also create a page showing all of the modern ways we stay together, even when we are apart. Take pictures of the kids Facetiming Grandma, or capture a shot of you attending a virtual crop, class or webinar. There are lots of ways we stay social through technology and it's fun to document some of these.
5. Scrapbook the Stress

"Covid-19" by Candy Spiegel
When something bad happens, like a divorce, car accident, fire or hurricane, record how it affected you and your family. Experts say acknowledging your feelings, allowing yourself to get angry or to cry, and then letting them go can be therapeutic.
Here, Candy recorded some of the impacts the pandemic had on her family. She included some of the good things to come out of the time, including more time with her family and the caring of complete strangers.
6. Remember Better Times

"A Review of 2019" by Jodi Benson
Sometimes it helps to focus on the fun things in life. So, pull out those baby photos, pictures from a recent vacation or a trip to the theme park. Relive those wonderful moments and "escape" from the real world while scrapbooking them.
On this example, Jodi recorded all of the wonderful things that happened to her family last year. Imagine all of the feel-good memories she experienced while creating this layout.
As a bonus, you will also earn a huge sense of accomplishment when the pictures, papers and dies you purchased to do this with are finally out of your storage containers and in your albums!
7. Express Your Spirituality

"Bible Journaling" by Andrea Fisher
In times of stress, we turn to our spirituality. So, take some time to create a special page about your church or your beliefs.
You may include favorite scriptures, proverbs, prayers or quotes. You might do a bit of research and record the history of your organization, a description of your favorite saint, or photos of your church.
Whatever you believe, focus on that for a bit of hope.
8. Pick Up a New Hobby

"Clark Price" by Candy Spiegel
Immersing yourself into a new activity you love can also help you cope with stress.
Consider learning to play an instrument, building miniatures or models, installing a new garden, training to compete in a marathon, learning to fish, or, like Candy did, trace your family's history. Take photos so you can document your journey in your scrapbook.
9. Explore the Outdoors

"Spring Memories" by Candy Spiegel
Depending on where you live, you may be able to take a walk around your backyard, a park, or your neighborhood. It’s spring and things Mother Nature is hard at work changing the landscape. Spend some time taking it all in. Look for signs of wildlife, notice new bulbs emerging from the ground, check out the buds on the trees, take note of the longer hours of daylight. Then, listen for the birds. Note the summer birds that have returned to nest. See if you can find a bird’s or squirrel’s nest. Watch the squirrels chase each other and dig for nuts they stored last fall.
With a camera in hand, you can capture some great signs of spring and assurances that things will get better eventually. And you might get some amazing photos to scrapbook, as well.
10. Try a Page Kit

"Social Distancing" by Tami Potter (Passing Time Page Kit)
Creativity is sometimes difficult when we are under duress and the last thing we want to do right now is give ourselves more stress. Mosaic Moments® Page Kits allow us to be creative and get the benefits of making art without the stress of finding the right papers and designing a layout. With page kits, you need only your photos, a cutting tool or die for cropping them, and adhesive.
As you work and you begin to focus and relax, you can add your own special touches with additional dies, embellishments and inks, if desired. Or, you can finish a quick page and move on to the next. Imagine the sense of accomplishment this will provide!