An Article by Candy Spiegel
With the pictures, program, ticket stubs and memories close at hand, you are ready to record your recent vacation, school year or family reunion. But before you slap those photos onto a sheet of paper, I would like you to look at and think about something that may change your life – well, your scrapbooking life, anyway.

"Friends" by Tami Potter - Pattern #157

"Hiking St. George" by Tami Potter - Pattern #143

"A Wild Holiday" by Paije Potter - Pattern #395

"View of the Mist" by Paije Potter - Pattern #439
Mosaic Moments® is a company that specializes in photo-centric scrapbooking. Using a simple 10x10 grid system, they focus on preserving your memories and turning your snapshots into art – without wasting a lot of time or money. It’s a revolutionary way of thinking that you will love.
Here are the top 10 reasons you should try Mosaic Moments®:
1. It is All About the Photos

"Spring Wedding" by Tami Potter - Pattern #295
2. It's Easy

Cut Paper & Photos in Die Machine

Line Up Each Block Over the Grid Lines
3. It Only Requires a Few Tools
4. Everything is Color Coordinated
There are hundreds of page patterns online, free for your use.
The colors of the shapes on the page patterns, match the colors of the dies, so you quickly know
which set of dies to grab to complete the layout. Additional layering dies come in a pastel version of the
same color, so a quick glance tells you which dies work together.
View all of Our Layout Ideas on the Pattern Gallery:
5. It Saves Money

Stamp Die Set Shown - Use dies over & over!
6. It's Different

"Finally 13!" by Tami Potter

"Williamsburg Trip" by Tami Potter

"Treasure Island" by Tami Potter

"Food & Wine Festival" by Paije Potter
Not only are layouts designed using the Mosaic Moments® system different from traditional scrapbook layouts, they are also different from each other. It’s amazing how you can follow the same page pattern and use the same dies and your page looks completely different from others in your book. I cannot explain the phenomenon, but no two layouts ever look the same. It’s a bit of Mosaic Magic.
Note: All of the layouts above were designed with page pattern #107
7. Yes, It's Magical!

"Cole Jumping" by Paije Potter
8. You Can Make It Your Own

"Virginia Beach" by Tami Potter - Pattern #123

"The Fantastic Four" by Tami Potter - Pattern #140

"Forever with You" by Paije Potter - Pattern #412

"Pirates Life for Me" by Paije Potter
9. It's an American Company

"Alexis on 4th of July" by Paije Potter - Pattern #252
10. You Will Amaze Your Friends & Family

"Summer Bride" by Paije Potter