Featuring Pattern #101
Memories …one pattern three ways
For this week’s pattern choice I have gone with a very plain mostly squares pattern #101. I was inspired by a digital calendar template and some of the pages created and thought how that could easily be adapted to a mosaic grid and the possibilities of multiple layouts began to fill my head! Today we’ll look at three ways to use this one pattern with pattern paper and dies to make your memories memorable.
Let’s begin with A Day at the Highland Games and my memories from this year’s Ohio Scottish Games in Wellington, Ohio. This layout on a Mosaic Moments Navy Grid features our new Celtic Knot Die Set. I have cut both knots in navy and mounted them on silver cardstock. For me the navy on silver says “Scottish” while green on gold says “Irish”…but that’s just me maybe. The navy tiles on top of the navy grid let the design ‘float’ above the rest of the grid and makes the square disappear.

Mosaic Moments Celtic Knots Cornerstone Die Set Navy on silver Tartan paper tiles and Sheep Dog Trials photos
The knots are placed diagonal across the page which had me seeing a pinwheel pattern in the shape of four large squares…but as this is a 2×2 square page I decided to arrange similar photos in each of these “unseen” larger block spaces. In the top section I began with the opening ceremonies and the posting of the colors along with some of the individual musical offerings from harp competition to Charlie Zahm and Tad Marks that give us Scottish folk music on the fiddle and guitar to enjoy. The highland dancers competition in the next, the highland bands in the bottom section, and the sheep dog trials on the third.
I used a double wide photo on two of the sections, one where the sheep dog is in hot pursuit of the sheep and the second of the dance competition between three of the girls.
In the outer blocks on the top left and lower right I used the same technique I previously did in the Perry’s Monument page and included sections of the Scottish Saltire…the St. Andrew’s Cross. Tiles were cut as large cornerstones but trimmed a portion away to allow the white to form the stripe.
The final two empty squares received paper of an actual tartan (purchased in Scotland) to complete the page. This is a page that is great for showing off several events on a single day like the county fair or parade, try it out sometime!
Fall. It’s my favorite time of year. So much color! For this layout I chose a rich brown, Cocoa, mosaic grid base. I purchased a new set of fall papers (not that I needed any!!) that all coordinate. The dotted paper adds a touch of gold foil that is so on trend these days and of course, dots are a favorite of mine too. Then I added a set of double sided cardstock papers and a 6×6 pad of patterned papers to match. I cut several 2×2 blocks to play around with as I decided on colors, patterns and placement.
I chose one of my favorite photos from last fall to print as a 5×7 to use to cover six spaces. This is where the Grid Cut 2.125” x 2.125” die comes in handy.
I printed three photos to use over a double space two horizontal and one vertical. Three additional 2×2 square photos spots were filled and the pattern papers were arranged across the grid. After a bit of shuffling things around to get the look and balance I wanted I made it all permanent.
This was a fairly quick page to create and if you have a lot of photos or a lot of pattern papers you love this is one way to get more on a page and bring those colors and patterns throughout several layouts. Using the smaller pads of papers are more economical and can be used multiple times. A little goes a long way!
This final page for this week reaches back to a pattern paper from a few seasons back. I loved this quilted pattern paper and what better way than to use a grid pattern with 25 squares to create a quilt inspired layout? This is a little more time consuming to create but the end result will make your memories so memorable.
Several of the grid papers could have been used to build this quilt (Paprika, Caramel, Deep Terra Cotta, Kilarney or Robins Egg all make nice matches to the paper) however, I opted to go with a Beach mosaic grid for something closer to a muslin fabric and a tone on tone dramatic effect like the patterned paper that inspired me. The Diamond Ring and Circle tiles were cut from Milkweed cardstock (Hollos) and the bases of the quilt square is from a Southwest color pack that is tan with lots of bits of ‘confetti’ running through it that’s a close match for the beach base.
Taking seven colors/patterns from the pad of papers I cut two quilt tiles from each. Then it was time to play around. Each quilt tile began with a center color, each of the four corner spaces were filled in with bits from the color tiles cut. However, I did match each of the corners to the corner opposite from it on the layout. At first I was toying with the idea to use all quilt tiles to complete the corners to match, but I wanted a larger portion for the photos I had planned for them. I did consider mounting a larger circle out take on top of the diamond center…but the simple framed look archived with the circle frame tile won me over.
When I finally had everything where I wanted it to be then I used Tombow Mono Aqua Liquid Glue to add the insets. A light coating of glue is enough and will not buckle the paper.

Use MM Circle Title to frame the area of the photo you want to use, adhere and then trim outer edges
TIP: For the photos for each of these small framed squares I printed two cropped to squares onto 3.5” x 5” photo paper. I then used the frame to select the best section to frame and adhered it to the uncut photo before trimming with my X-Acto knife very carefully along the outside edge of the frame.
If you like, you could always add in hand drawn stitches for an authentic quilt look, but for me this was enough to achieve the look I was pleased with in the end.
For me thinking of the coming fall colors and cooler nights quilt patterns naturally jumped into my mind, but it can be perfect for layouts for winter, the cabin, camping, babies and more…put on your thinking caps and see what inspiration it brings to you and get started making your memories into memorable scrapbooks!
I hope today’s post will be a jumping off spot for many creative and memorable pages that capture those memories you cherish.
Andrea Fisher